CROstart  Croatian beginning course    INDIVIDUAL/IN PAIR        ONLINE


Croatian beginning course - CROstart is intended for people who want to learn how to communicate in the Croatian language in everyday situations, as well as in business environments. Following modern teaching books and other materials, using conversational method, and various additional materials and interesting ways of teaching, we will teach you how to communicate in Croatian fluently!




1 INDIVIDUAL ONLINE LESSON  / 45 minutes          20,50 EUR

1 ONLINE LESSON IN PAIR  /  45 minutes                  25,50 EUR  / all together/

By the end of the course you will:

  • adopt basic elements of the Croatian language, grammar and vocabulary
  • learn how to communicate fluently in everyday situations (restaurant, market, bar, on the street)
  • ​acquire some basic knowledge of the Croatian culture and peculiarities of the Croatian way of life

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